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We pride ourselves at Heathfield House School on having a good relationship and clear lines of communication with parents.

Heathfield House School values its parents highly. Parents are encouraged to be supportive of and participate in the variety of school activities. Our School calendar is available to our current parents on Itslearning, which ensures parents are well informed of future events. This virtual learning environment allows teachers to share news, photographs and learning resources with parents and children. The school also uses Parentmail to share important information, such as upcoming trips. Twitter is used to involve and engage parents with their child’s school day.

There are three Parents’ Evenings and two written reports every academic year. Staff are also available at mutually convenient times throughout the year to discuss any matters with parents. A school newsletter is issued annually which shares the pupils' successes and achievements throughout thes year.

We believe it is very important for parents to share in their child’s achievements. Therefore, parents are invited into their child’s classroom termly to see their child’s learning environment and display work. There are also class assemblies, an annual Christmas Concert, Christmas Production and a Summer Production.



Latest Tweets

  • July 11, 2024 Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children had a great trip to the Wetlands Centre in Barnes this week. The children explored the centre, went pond dipping and den building! Thank you for having us 🦆🐟🐸
  • July 5, 2024 Buddy afternoon was a great success this week! Here are some of our Year 6 children enjoying their time on the EYS and playing with all the outdoor toys!
  • July 5, 2024 Episode 14 of the podcast is now available!
  • July 4, 2024 Our Year 2 children have been pizza chefs this week! They had a great trip to Pizza Express in Chiswick where they learnt about the history of the margherita pizza and then made their own to take home. What fun! 🧑‍🍳🍕🇮🇹 Thank you for having us!
  • June 28, 2024 Year 6 had a great trip to Orange Tree Theatre in Richmond this afternoon. They really enjoyed the show! Thank you for having us!
  • June 21, 2024 Year 4 have been learning all about electrical circuits this week. Here they are exploring conductors and insulators and finding out if their circuit works when adding different objects into it. 💡🔋🔍
  • June 21, 2024 The Reception and Year 1 children had a visit from the Metropolitan Police this week. They learnt about what the Police do to help the community, what vehicles they use and different uniforms they can wear. Thank you for coming to see us!
  • June 19, 2024 We are all very happy at the EYS that the sun has been shining recently! 😎
  • June 11, 2024 🚴‍♂️Year 6 are completing bikeability training this week. They are learning about how to cycle safely around London.🚴‍♀️
  • June 10, 2024 We've had some excellent projects handed in this morning. The children have been very busy getting creative over half term.
  • May 23, 2024 Year 5 have joined Year 6 at PGL. Yesterday they had lots of fun on the zip wire.
  • May 22, 2024 Year 6 are having a wonderful time at PGL!