In Enrichment lessons, pupils have been learning a variety of different skills that stretch beyond our curriculum including: British Sign Language, learning how to p...Curriculum Overview
At Heathfield House School we provide a broad and balanced curriculum which is designed to engage and challenge all pupils.
A growth mindset is promoted within children and they are encouraged to learn from mistakes and build resilience.
At the start of every academic year parents meet with the classroom teacher to discuss how the classroom works, including the teacher's expectation within lessons, homework and reward systems. Thus informed, parents are able to support their child's learning at home with confidence.
Curriculum newsletters are sent out at the start of each half term so that parents are aware of the material their child will be covering in school. This often enables parents to discuss the school day in greater detail with their child and can enable parents to support the learning of their child.
The school is well resourced; all children have access to interesting learning materials and all classrooms have interactive whiteboards to encourage participative learning. The school has a large number of networked laptop computers to which the children have regular access, during dedicated computing lessons and other lessons.
Across the school, trips and visitors are organised to enhance and enrich children’s learning and school experience. Such opportunities broaden children’s experiences of the curriculum
Children with special educational needs and disabilities, as well as those that are able, gifted and talented, and those with English as an additional language, are supported within the school and by external specialists whenever appropriate. Each child’s progress is monitored throughout their time at school to ensure that they reach their full potential.