Reception Class
Children join Reception class at Heathfield House School in the September after their fourth birthday. This introduction into education is vitally important. To enable a seamless transition into school life, the school day is planned to ensure children make the academic progress parents seek whilst allowing children to learn through play.
The children of Heathfield House School are active and inquisitive learners and they are challenged and extended to reach their potential.
In Reception, children have a class teacher who delivers most of the curriculum. Specialists are employed for Physical Education and are used in other areas of the curriculum if appropriate. A topic-based approach offers numerous opportunities for the children to be creative in a variety of ways and to link different subjects together. Much emphasis is placed on Literacy and Numeracy to ensure children have a solid foundation on which to build their future learning.
Reading is a vital ability and is given high priority at Heathfield House School. Children read to an adult regularly until they become effective readers. The school provides a wide variety of reading material to encourage and broaden children’s reading from an early age.
There is a very gentle introduction to homework in Reception, with a variety of activities on a weekly basis to enhance the work in school. This also provides the parents with the pleasure of seeing their child’s progress and is extremely rewarding for both parent and child.